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rpm 명령이 안될 경우 alien 명령어로 압출풀기

RPM's are used in RHEL for installing the softwares and packages . The rpm -ivh command is for RHEL based Linux. If you want to install an RPM file in Ubuntu (or any debian based file system) you need to install Alien to convert RPM into debian and then install the package.

Alien is a program that converts between the rpm, dpkg, stampede slp, and slackware tgz file formats. If you want to use a package from another distribution than the one you have installed on your system, you can use alien to convert it to your preferred package format and install it.

Install alien in debian

sudo apt-get install alien

Available Options for alien

Convert the package.rpm into a package.deb

sudo alien -d package-name.rpm

Convert the package.rpm into a package.deb, and install the generated package.

sudo alien -i package-name.rpm

If you want to keeps alien from changing the version number use the following command

sudo alien -k rpm-package-file.rpm

For more information about alien check it's man page

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